My 10 Favorite Cannes Palme d’Or Winners Since 1975

My 10 Favorite Cannes Palme d’Or Winners Since 1975

I love this time of year—when Cannes is in full swing, and a slate of new films are competing for the coveted Palme d’Or! There are many promising films this year to keep your eye out for (just to name a few):

  • 120 Beats per Minute (France) dir. Robin Campillo

  • The Beguiled (USA) dir. Sofia Coppola

  • Happy End (France, Germany, Austria) dir. Michael Haneke

  • Redoubtable (France) dir. Michel Hazanavicius

  • L’amant double (France) dir. Francois Ozon

  • The Killing of a Sacred Deer (UK, Ireland) dir. Yorgos Lanthimos

Redoubtable (2017) – Dir. Michel Hazanavicius

Redoubtable (2017) – Dir. Michel Hazanavicius

Redoubtable is a film we’re very much looking forward to this year! It’s premiering at Cannes and competing for the Palme d’Or. For fans of La Nouvelle Vague (The New Wave), films of the 50s and 60s, and Jean-Luc Godard’s work, you’ll want to keep your eye out for this one.Michel Hazanavicius directed 2011’s Best Picture winner, The Artist. Director Michel…